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Wells Brimtoy

Brimtoy originated in 1923 when British Metal Toy Manufacturers Ltd, established in 1914, was reborn as Brimtoy Ltd. In 1932 Brimtoy merged with A. Wells & Co. Ltd, itself a tinplate toy manufacturer established in 1919. Trading as Wells-Brimtoy, the company had dual manufacturing locations in Walthamstow, London and Holyhead in Wales. The Brimtoy brand continued to be used for train sets and the Pocketoys range while the Welsotoy brand was launched in 1955 for other ranges. The company continued to trade until 1970 when it was taken over by CMT Group.

Wells-Brimtoy Bobby The Walking Policeman

Bobby The Walking Policeman

 £4.00  each
Ref: 22765