A nice example of this attractive vintage lorry. This is the earlier light grey version with silver trim around the radiator. The decals on the sides advertise Osram Lamps, a product of the General Electric Company (G.E.C.) which was based near Lesney's factory in East London. The cab is complete with detailed driver, and the grey metal spoked wheels are on crimped axles.
In excellent condition with only slight rubbing to the body edges. The decals are excellent too; they both have a couple of small nicks on the edge, and one is missing the 'L' from 'LAMPS'. The axles are almost rust-free.
Scale: 1:100
Length: 71mm.
Approx Years: 1957 - 1961
Condition: Excellent, unboxed
Shipping Weight: 75g
The old toys in this shop are offered as collectors' items only, and may not conform to modern toy safety standards.