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Britains Miniature Gardening, Lead

The Miniature Gardening was introduced in 1930, featuring numerous sets and components. It was the forerunner of the plastic Floral Garden range of the 1960s, and in some ways superior; the smaller lawn and paving sections permitted more intricate layouts, and it was also possible to build terraced gardens. The range of flowers was wider, but there were no vegetables; this was 10 years before the WW2 'Dig for Victory' campaign! Production ceased in 1939, and the range was not revived after the War.

Britains 021 Geraniums x 10

021 Geraniums x 10

 £15.50  each
Ref: 42369
Britains 026 Lupins x 3

026 Lupins x 3

 £4.00  each
Ref: 42370
Britains 046 Alyssum x 4

046 Alyssum x 4

 £1.00  each
Ref: 42371
Britains 06 Flower Bed, finishing corner section x 4

06 Flower Bed, finishing corner section x 4

 £16.00  each
Ref: 42368